The most common annoyances among customers who buy in physical stores are:

long checkout lines, out-of-stock items, difficulty finding products, lack of help and little or no information about the product, situations that do not occur when buying online. Digital shopping has raised customer expectations.

Studies have shown that customers seek a personalized experience. That includes recognition of loyalty, offers and promotions; therefore, it is essential that these advantages are present in physical stores.

Here are five tips for retailers to solve the most common annoyances and make shopping a pleasant experience:

1. Contactless payments in store.

One way to avoid cart abandonment and waiting frustration is through contactless transactions. Stores like Amazon Fresh and Amazon Dash Cart offer the convenience of picking up items and walking out of the store without waiting in line. In the United States, Nike uses the ‘Instant Payment’ feature within its app to allow customers to pick up an item in store, scan it with the app, and pay with their credit card.

2. Personalized interactions.

The online experience provides a lot of information on customer preferences and behaviors, which allows offering personalized experiences while browsing. Lotte Mart, a Korean hypermarket uses machine learning to provide personalized recommendations to repeat customers to build loyalty.

3. Help with shopping.

Many customers shop in stores to see and touch products, gather information, and ask questions. Offering in-store support can increase trust and influence the purchase decision, encourage additional purchases, and improve the overall experience. In a smart store environment, a customer can use their phone to scan a barcode or QR code and immediately see full product information.

Also voice technologies, such as the virtual assistant Alexa, allow people to ask questions about the product, hear their location and get recommendations.

4. Virtual visits to retailers.

Retailers have been accelerating the use of augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) online. These technologies can enhance the product browsing experience by:

*Virtual fitting rooms: useful when the product is not available in the store.

*Design and scale: to visualize how elements will fit together for the design of the home.

*Product testing: For example, Perfect Corp. has created a platform for retailers to set up virtual beauty counters that allow product testing.

*Displaying recipes and meals: In specialty food stores, people can view individual products as part of a meal.

5. Health and safety technologies

Although people are eager to return to stores, retailers have an obligation to protect the health and safety of customers. With computer vision solutions, robotics, and digital shelf technologies, they gain real-time visibility into store conditions to monitor traffic and density, detect crowding, and adhere to social distancing.

The transformation of a store into a smart one begins with the customer, answering: “Who is my customer?” and “What are the pain points when you shop at my store?” As they remove friction points and improve the experience, they can reap benefits like increased loyalty and increased sales

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